Extreme cold records continue to tumble at the South Pole. Three recent days – November 16th, 17th and 18th – have recorded a daily record, with the 18th plunging to –45.2°C, compared with –44.7°C on the same day in 1987. The records follow the six-month winter of 2020-21, which was the coldest since records began in 1957. Inexplicably, all these facts and trends have escaped reporting in the mainstream media. The excuse might be that it is just weather, and temperatures have always moved up and down. But the excuse doesn’t seem to apply to the July 19th U.K. high of 40.3°C at RAF Coningsby, recorded at the side of the runway used by after-burning Typhoon jets. This record high has barely been out of the Net Zero headlines ever since.
In fact, anything getting colder barely gets a look-in these days. Arctic sea ice is making a significant, near silent comeback. Summer ice at the end of September covered 4.92 million square kilometres, which was 1.35 million sq kms higher than the 2012 low. Over on land, the Greenland ice sheet may have increased in size over the last year to August 2022. Meanwhile, the zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford has reported that this is the fifth year out of the last seven that enough sea ice has formed along the west coast of Hudson Bay by mid-November for hunting polar bears to be able to head out to the ice, “just as it did in the 1980s”.
Of course, it has been a very bad year for climate catastrophists all round. Coral is growing on the Great Barrier Reef with a vengeance, just a few years after journalists and their ‘experts’ warned it was likely to disappear. According to the latest satellite data, the global temperature hasn’t moved for over eight years. A little extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to significant ‘greening’ of the planet, a process that over the last 30 years has undoubtedly reduced world hunger and famine. Sir David Attenborough recently ran a series of six Frozen Planet II green propaganda films featuring a variety of ‘modelled’ climate catastrophes. Notable was the claim that all the Arctic summer sea ice could be gone by 2035. In addition, he highlighted a colony of Adelie penguins in western Antarctica, whose numbers were said to have fallen over 40 years from 20,000 to just 400 breeding pairs, apparently due to climate change. Missing from the narrative was the more cheerful news that a colony of 1.5 million Adelies had recently been discovered on the eastern side of the continent.
Since all the recent poster scares are fast disappearing, there is increasing emphasis on ‘attributing’ single event bad weather to climate change, or to the climate crisis/emergency/breakdown – the new agitprop words used to disguise the fact that global temperatures, with or without CO2’s help, ran out of steam over two decades ago.
Long-serving Guardian activist Fiona Harvey told a recent edition of the BBC Media Show that writers can be impartial and present the facts, and the facts were that ‘scientists’ have told us that we are on a precipice and are facing tipping points that will make the planet uninhabitable. But whose ‘facts’ is she reporting? Again, as the Daily Sceptic has shown, the command-and-control Net Zero agenda is driven by politicised science and often derived from flawed climate models, corrupt surface temperature databases and invented weather ‘attribution’ stories. When the Guardian quotes ’scientists’, it is often referring to practitioners of observational disciplines such as geography, where modelled ‘impact’ predictions are widely promoted.
In the course of her interview, Harvey repeated the debunked untruth that 30% of Pakistan had been inundated as a result of recent monsoon floods. The actual figure in this mountainous country was easily checked from NASA data and was about 8%. Referring to the general narrative around climate change and the need to keep to 1.5°C of warming, she noted that if that didn’t strike you as a story, “you shouldn’t be a journalist”. A better story, of course, might be asking who invented the 1.5°C figure in the first place – and why?
Many people such as Harvey state they are journalists, not activists, but the evidence is growing that that pass has long been sold in many areas of mainstream communication and media. Cardiff University sociologist Dr. Aaron Thierry argues that universities should allow academics to spend at least 10% of their time on “advocacy and engagement with policy processes”. In his view, “those with the greatest knowledge and understanding of these crises have a moral obligation to provide leadership and engage in advocacy and activism”.
The Australian geologist Professor Ian Plimer gives short shrift to all the lies and obfuscations surround settled climate science. If it had been proved that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, “there would be endless citation of the dozen or so seminal scientific papers demonstrating this proof”. Instead, he notes, there is a “deafening silence”. Climate cycles have not changed because humans are alive today, “and cannot be changed by feelings, ideology or legislation”. He also noted: “Bearers of validated facts are denigrated, cancelled and deemed controversial by those who have no counterargument, no ability to critically analyse, and who rely on self-interest and feelings.”
Put out in the cold, you might say – just like all those inconvenient South Pole temperature records.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.
Stop Press: Ross Clark in the Spectator says we should ignore the climate doomsters and celebrate the fact that the World’s population has reached eight billion.
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And down here in Australia, Mt Hotham in Victoria has just reached -7 degrees overnight, a record low for the state in the month of November.
In Central West NSW we had snow last week, and tomorrow’s maximum is 11 degrees.
Remember we’re nearing summer.
For the media luvvies, record cold is also due to burning fossil fuels, and can be prevented by signing up to whatever Klaus Schwab and the UN tells us to.
It can’t be true..! Antarctic’s population of Polar Bears has been decimated, just like penguins in the Arctic. Its proof of Man made Climate Change. Irrefutable proof…
For a moment I thought you were being serious, because, as we know, warmer than average temperatures are proof of global warming, and colder than average temperatures are proof of climate change.
Now you know that’s not true. They heard Al Gore saying that the Arctic would be ice free in the summer by 2012, so they all swam north in the Great Polar Bear Migration filmed by the BBC and David Attenborough. They just wanted a suntan and some vitamin D to ward off ursine covid.
Wonder when they will wise up and all migrate to Hawaii?
You may remember a few years ago when the Climate-tards boarded a ship and sailed into the melting Antarctic ice sheets…and got stuck. A 2nd ship to rescue them the same. It took a 3rd and helipcopters to rescued the idiots who lost no time in saying that due to warming their models predicted more ice….when in fact they were looking for the opposite.
There is no ‘science’ to this scam. The Arctic was to be gone in 2014. Greenland ice cores reveal that the current sheets are the most in 400 years. Antarctica expands. Attenfraud and friends will drop charges into crevices at the poles or in glaciers, remote detonate them and then declare that they are melting or calving. Fraud is now ‘the science’. Or maybe it is the $2 Trillion money sloshing around.
Climate change – like Rona,a cult of absolute stupid and corruption.
Had to look up ‘Rona’, hadn’t heard the term before. Quite true though. In the seventies the ‘scientists’ were saying we would be 6 feet under ice and snow by now and starving in our millions.
We are witnessing the birth of a new religion and I very much fear that no amount of facts or reasoning will deter those who are determined to impose this new religion on us.
It follows a familiar path building on the ideas left by the religions that have preceded it.
At the heart of this new faith is the notion that the human being is a flawed creature. We destroy the planet, we carry diseases that we spread to each other, we are bigots by nature that oppress each other.
But salvation is at hand if we openly accept our impurity and our inherent flaws and are prepared to change our ways.
As with other religions, those in authority and power seize control of the religion and use it as a means of controlling the population, imposing on it a series of behaviours and rites dictated by them.
I can imagine now better than ever what it must have been like to be part of some primitive society living a free life and then have some group of people come along, tell you are a sinner, that every Sunday you have to go and listen to a man tell you how to save yourself, that instead of choosing a partner with which to create a family as you might have done earlier, you now had to follow a special ritual that allowed you to do that. Your offspring also had to follow a series of rituals to make sure they were properly imbued with the ideas of the religion.
It’s probably an uncomfortable comparison for those who have religious faith. But the parallels are undeniable.
…and then the man in the pulpit puts your money in his pocket…
Sounds very much the same.
And molests your children.
Actually, now you mention it…
We need to have the courage to voice our convictions in a non-confrontational way, not stay quiet. Little things like using cash I find helps boost morale.
And ofcourse in all religions you must give “offerings”. Except in our religion we decide for ourselves what we put in the collection plate. But with the globalist religion the government decides for us what ges in the plate, and we are not even allowed to not attend the church of global warming, because if we don’t attend our money still goes in the collection plate anyway. Climate Change then is a compulsory religion where even the heretics must contribute.
Maybe now. I don’t think adherence to religion was very optional in many places in the past, say, Spain in the 16th century, or in some places in the present like Saudi Arabia or Iran.
I don’t think what you said should be uncomfortable for those who have the right kind of religious faith, because there is good religious faith and there is bad religious faith.
The parallels (at least to Christianity) are even stronger than you’ve stated.
We used to live in paradise, the Garden of Eden or some pre-industrial society that was magically in tune with nature.
We desired knowledge, either by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge or through the enlightenment and the industrial revolution.
This led to our fall from grace and the end of paradise on Earth.
A select few have be vouchsafed knowledge that can lead to our salvation, either the true followers of Christ or scientists with their “all knowing” computer models and the eco-zealots of extinction rebellion, JSO etc.
We are facing the end of days which will see the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse:-
famine, pestilence, war and death as described in the Book of Revelations.
Alternatively climate change will lead to mass crop failure (famine) the spread of diseases such as malaria (pestilence) societal breakdown and competition for scarce resources (war) and the population being reduced to 1 billion or less (death).
The only difference is that environmentalisms preaches that the end days can be avoided and salvation can be had in this world, whereas Christianity preaches that the end times are inevitable and salvation can only be found in the next world/afterlife.
I can actually remember the first Earth Day in 1970….we did a project at school!!
Happy Earth Day! None Of The Eco-Doomsday Predictions Have Come True
Plus ca change!!
This is surely “conspiracy theory” and cherry picking of data. Because I have seen for myself on the SKY NEWS Daily Climate show the little digital thermometer at the back of the presenter ticking up up up up up slowly ticking upwards as we face this apocalypse and viewers can see the “global temperature” on their TV set steadily climbing. We must act now and save our grandchildren. We must spend one and a half trillion on Net Zero. We must get rid of affordable energy and replace it with unaffordable energy. We must pay a trillion to poor countries to help them do eh do eh. , well I am not sure what exactly they are going to do with that money, but we must give them it anyway and only then will the planets thermometer on SKY NEWS start to slow down and we will have saved the planet.
What is perhaps disappointing is that so few of the Nett Zero-ers have realised that if we are nett zero, we reduce CO2 emissions by about a sixth of China’s annual rise, or Indias annual rise. As China and India are promising little and doing less, anything we ‘save’ is pointless as whatever was going to happen if we didn’t get to Nett Zero is still going to happen, with or without our ‘contribution’.
Indeed no-one seems to ask the question, if we are all to die in a fiery famine in 20 years time, why do half the world not seem to care. Do they know something we don’t..?
If something is “pointless” and will have no effect on global climate then why do it? ————-The answer is very simple. It is not and has never been about the climate. It is about the worlds wealth and resources. The climate is just the excuse for the eco socialism
Well, earlier this year, Queen Elizabeth sat on her own, mourning the death of her husband.
Meanwhile, back in Downing Street, Boris, Carrion and a host of Civil “Servants” were partying.
Someone knew that all the restrictions and shroud waving were bollox. Now, would that be our beloved Queen, or our Beloved Leaders?
Zero Covid, Zero Carbon.
Two cheeks of the same gargantuan, flabby, stinking arse.
Very good article – thank you.
They told us we were facing a climate apocalypse. They didn’t tell us it was going to be a cold one.
I’m wouldn’t be in the least surprised if climate alarmists sounded the alarm bells because they couldn’t find any polar bears in the antarctic…
Oh I see that point has been covered already…oh well. In that case, they might get upset to find absolutely no evidence of penguins in the arctic!
Grand solar minimum will occur from 2025 to 2053, this will create cooling of ~1C average for the planet. The first effects will begin to be felt after the solar maximum of solar cycle 25 which is expected in mid-2025. So far cycle 25 is fairly weak, the weakest since the early 20th century. Cycle 26 looks likely to be weaker still.
Wrap up warm!
12,000 years ago, North America was under hundreds of feet of ice and sea levels were 350 feet lower than they are today. Without any help from humans it warmed up a whole bunch which allowed humans to thrive. What actually causes the Earth to get warmer and colder? The distance from the sun as its orbit changes. Yes, it will get very cold again and there is nothing humans can do about it. It is pretty silly to believe humans can alter climate to any significant degree… Even if you believe the alarmists, they are talking about a sea rise of 4 to 12 feet at most and temperature increases of less than 10 degrees… that’s nothing. We will be happy to be starting from there when we go into the next ice age.